Thursday, February 09, 2006

Cool and Comfortable 2006 Catalog Item #72

Sick and tired of trying to find new music to listen to? Why not try our patented Ogilvy's Music Generation System. Rather than having to endure the process of discovering revolutionary and exciting music in the modern age, Ogilvy's Music Generation System both lowers your expectations and your enjoyment of music, producing random below average tunes as 'entertainment only'.
As people, we simply don't have the time or commitment anymore to become 'involved' or 'inspired' by our music, thus Ogilvy's system is the one for you.

This system works for 'musicians' as well. Britney Spears, many R&B artists and recently Madonna have benefited from Ogilvy's MGS, producing music that is both entertaining and forgettable.

So, do yourself a favour. Get one today and get some more free time! Only $89.95. Available in brown, grey and grey-brown.


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